Most of the time, the average person won't really care what their weight is until they finally look and notice themselves in the mirror. That's the point at which they say "I have to do something about this". When that person decides to actually do something about weight, they really need to figure out just how much weight is necessary to lose. Notice how I said "necessary", sometimes it might not be what you want, but what is truly needed to reach a normal weight. If you went to far and wanted to lose more, this can lead to anorexia. And it is perfectly normal for you to have that feeling of wanting to lose more. But some people don't know where to stop, and that's when they have to end up going to the doctor's and pay to find out what the best weight is for them. It's not necessary for that. There are charts called BMI's or Body Mass Index that help you to indicate what the perfect weight of your body should be. It displays the inputs of weight on the x-axis to the displays of height on the y-axis. Find the coordinate of your weight and height, and this will be your BMI. Normally today's modern BMI's will display what is Obese, Overweight, Normal, and Underweight. I have provided a BMI scale for you to determine where you are at. Click on the BMI chart above to get a larger view.

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